2-4 Rees Place, Wannanup WA 6210

Groups & Activities

Espresso Yourself: Men’s Morning Coffee

Time: 9.30am
Day: every second Tuesday
Location: Taste of Italy Café, Halls Head Shopping Centre, 20 Peelwood Parade, Halls Head

Join us for coffee and camaraderie! Meet up with old friends and make new ones!

She Brews: Ladies’ Morning Coffee

Time: 9.30am
Day: every Wednesday
Location: Cafe Coast, 45 Rees Place, Port Bouvard Marina, Wannanup

Enjoy the friendly atmosphere where ladies come together to enjoy conversation and friendship over a cuppa.

Craft Group

Time: 9.00am to midday
Day: every Tuesday
Location: SMUC Hall

Bring your art/craft project along and enjoy a morning of fun and fellowship. A shared morning tea helps to fuel our “creative” minds. We are keen to learn new skills if you would like to teach us a handicraft.

Our Craft Group also runs several social outings during the year and a fundraiser for a chosen charity.

You do not need to be a member of South Mandurah Uniting Church to join us. All welcome!