2-4 Rees Place, Wannanup WA 6210

Worship Services

We are a growing church in the process of calling for a new minister to come and work with us. In the meantime, we have a dedicated group of retired ministers, lay preachers, worship leaders and fabulous musicians who volunteer their time every week to present wonderful and interesting services. Our music is a mixture of contemporary and traditional.

We are a family-friendly congregation and welcome visitors of all ages. We encourage our members to live out a joyful Christian faith: to follow Jesus, to read the Bible, to learn more about and grow with God, to care for each other and to serve their local community.

Children’s Church, KUCA

Kids of the Uniting Church in Australia (KUCA) caters to primary school-age children (kindergarten through to 12 years old).

Our program runs at the same time as the church service (9.30am – 10.30am). The children commence inside the church with their parents/guardians where they participate in the regular service for about 30 minutes.

We then go into the church hall where we explore one of the day’s bible readings in a child-friendly way. Often this involves activities such as cooking, craft and games.

Worship Online

If you’ve missed a service or are unable to attend worship in person, our services are available via our YouTube channel.